As 2020 has proven, there is so much goodness in the work you do.
Clients NEED you more than ever… however, they don’t all realise it.
Financial Advice can be a tad mysterious, it’s super complicated and extremely confusing.
For most, they have not joined the dots between what goes on in their everyday life and the value of your advice.
In this webinar, I shared some ideas around how you can put ‘life’ into advice, make working with you more enticing and get clients saying “I want what you’ve got”.
We covered how you can make it:
easier for clients to understand how valuable you are
engaging so clients connect, commit and re-commit each year
enjoyable so working you feel like an absolute delight
A big thanks to the amazing team at myprosperity for making this webinar possible (especially the delightful Karolina Kuszyk).