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You’re super busy – I hear you.
So, to help you out, here is a short video (less than 2 minutes) with one practical idea you can use in your advice business today that will make a difference.
I’ve also included the written version if you prefer to read it.
Give it a go – and make every minute count!
Today’s video reinforces that clients pay you for your views, insights and opinions on information that may impact them, not just for the information itself.
When people become your client they’re doing so because they want your view on life.
They want your ‘take’ on things, they want your insights, your opinions because information is readily available and they can get that and decipher it themselves.
But they are paying money to know what your view is and what your opinions might be on that information.
So, make sure when you are sharing information with anyone that you give your perspective and your take on it.
A great example is when the budget comes out. I get a bucket load of emails from advisers with the attachment that they typically get from their licensee or product provider, which gives the full summary of the budget.
What’s missing from the summary is your take on it.
What I would like to see first is your summary of the overall budget (or the different components of the budget), what your views are, whether it’s a big deal or whether it’s a no brainer. And that’s just one example.
Anything that goes on in our world that is information that you’re sharing with clients, don’t just disseminate the information, do it with your take because at the end of the day that’s what I am paying for (if I am your client)!
Minutes up, so make it count.