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The secret to building your business with video blogs

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The greatest way to connect with people and do better business (aside from meeting in the flesh) is to use video.

It helps to catch and keep more clients, deepen existing relationships, increase referral rates and open the door to opportunities that would otherwise not have been possible.

Why, because no matter how much effort you make, some people will never feel like they know the ‘real’ you until they see you on video.

When you meet up, you may be stretched for time or have a tight agenda to follow. And for most of the part, as an adviser you are so focused on getting to know your client that it leaves very little time for them to get to know you.

You know the saying, ‘we do business with people we know, like and trust’.

By using video you can speed up this process and shorten the length of time it takes from an initial meeting to converting someone into a paying client (or business alliance).

The more powerful you are at communicating your message, to as many people as you can genuinely help, the greater your chances at making a bigger impact in business and in life.

Here is why. Video allows your viewers to:

• Experience the real you
• Feel your personality
• See your smile
• Read your body language (this is a big one)
• Look into your eyes
• Hear your voice and underlying tone
• Laugh with you (or at you?)
• Cry with you (from laughing so hard at you)
• Understand that you are truly human – the hold grail of successful relationships.

Guess what the secret to video blogging is……JUST DO IT!

Your bloopers, blunders, stumbles etc. are real and they showcase that you are not perfect. Nobody is. And that rocks! Watch my video above to see what I mean.


Ps. Some of the most popular videos I see people share are actually the bloopers and blunders. Don’t edit them, put on a brave face and push ‘post’. It could make someone’s day!

If you want more tips just like this, grab yourself a copy of my FREE e-book ’99 secrets to a successful financial advice business”. Click here, (or skip up to the top of this website and click, download now.) I’ll send it to you straight away! It’s a super easy read…. lots of pictures and short snippets of meaningful text.

Or, if you want to know how I could help you and your business, please get in touch. Promise it won’t hurt!


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