The Value Formula with Kim Payne
In this podcast interview, I’m delighted to share my thoughts on how to be more valuable with the very clever Stewart Bell from Audere Coaching and Consulting – on his new podcast the Finnovator. It’s fun and hopefully – valuable!
Here’s Stewart intro to the episode:
If you haven’t heard from Kim of 9Rok; she’s one of those people that just has the ability to pinpoint what it is about you, your business and what you do that makes the difference.
In this episode of The Finnovator, we talked about her work with what she’s called her “Value Formula”; four steps she takes clients through to have them mastering their own value proposition.
With all that’s going on in the industry, I think the hour spend with Kim will be a real boost for anyone looking to get really really clear on how to respond to that question “What is it you do that makes such a difference?”.
Check out more goodness from Stewart Bell in his inspiring and insightful podcast “The Finnovator“.
Or you can listen in on iTunes here.