You build a better business
when you build a better TEAM

Get more out of your ripper team.


Leaders are lurking inside all of us, regardless of our role. Help your team develop and showcase their potential in a supportive environment that lets them shine.


Leverage the collective brainpower within your business with a coming-together-of great minds. Give your people the opportunity to step up, speak up and share their wisdom.


Workshops and group programs are ideal for getting great conversations started, new ideas pumping, and energise your team with actions that make great things happen.

Together, you can do more

What results would make you happy?

You tell us, and we’ll take care of the rest.

And if you’re stuck, we’ve got plenty of ideas up our sleeve.

We’ve seen what works and what tanks.

Together, we’ll create an interactive program just for you.

One that’s focuses on the outcomes you want, delivered how you like, and built with only you in mind.

They can last hours, days, weeks, months, or years.

It’s your call.

Your Valuable Program.

Made for you, as you want.

Workshops masterclasses training and webinars

Buddy and peer sessions

Assessments and diagnostics

Group and private coaching

Management meets and updates

Accountability and follow up

Tools and templates

Feedback and ongoing support

Kim keeps it simple and relatable, but the results are powerful. The work we’ve done with Kim infiltrates through everything we do as a business and it’s so exciting seeing the results it is bringing. The feedback from the team was outstanding and everyone is inspired, engaged and aligned on the same goals

— Rebecca Hanifin [Financial Spectrum | Head of Marketing]

it’s not about


it’s about being a more


Here’s some of the latest hot topics.

The value
of You.

The foundation to understanding value is being clear on ‘why’ you do what you do and why someone would choose to engage your help.

The value
of advice.

This is about having a clear framework that captures why someone would work with you, stay with you, pay you and refer you. It’s more than a value proposition, it’s a way of making value the focus of all you do.

The value
of human behavior.

We explore the different and irrational ways humans behave and the tools and techniques you can use to influence a favorable outcome

The value
of communication.

Confidently communicating is more than the words you use. It’s about building rapport, body language, listening and questioning skills, and using them in the best possible way.

The value
of experience.

Being valuable in a client's life is as much about how you make them feel and the way they experience you as anything else.

The value
of collaboration.

Effectively collaborating with others enables you to be more valuable in your client's lives, is more productive, and creates greater rewards all round.

"Thank you all so much for your assistance with our Parther Plus programme. Obviously this was a very important initiative for us and choosing the right consulting partner was crucial to its success. At the outset, our business objectives were well understood, we were kept informed every step of the way and, finally, the workshops were kept informed every step of the way and, finally, the workshops were extremely well facilitated. the feedback we have received from our members has been outstanding."

— Dennis D'Angelo [National Commercial & Sales Manager @ Choice Aggregation Services]

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