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An easy way to simply communicate advice so clients understand

Note: To see an example of an Advice explanations table, please click here.


Here’s a short video (less than 2 minutes) with a practical idea you can use today that will help you grow.

I’ve also included the written version if you prefer to read it.

Give it a go – and make every minute count!

In today’s video I share a way for you to simply communicate your advice and technical concepts in a way that clients’ understand. 

A really great way to help more clients understand exactly what you do and to help them decipher between all that technical jargon and industry speak that we use, is to create what I call an Advice Explanations Table.

And this is how simple it is.

Down the left hand column, you write all the areas of advice, all the technical concepts that you need to discuss with the client.

So maybe it’s something like Asset Allocation, it’s Debt Recycling, it’s Retirement Planning or Retirement Strategies, it’s Estate Planning, whatever it might be, you what they are, you just write a whole list of them.

In the right hand column, next to each component that you wrote in the left, just write what it means or what you do in ‘client speak’.

So for instance, if on the left hand side you’ve got Estate Planning, on the right hand side you might write something along the lines of “making sure that the wishes that you have for where your belongings end up when you’re no longer here, are in the hands of the right people in the most tax effective way,”… this is what we call Estate Planning.

You know, whatever it might be, I’m just using an example.

But when you do this, it means that (you know) clients don’t always speak up when they don’t understand what you’re saying.

And it just takes that uncertainty off the table, so they can then focus on all the good stuff that you can do, to help them live a happier life.

I’ve attached an example of what I mean below this video, just to give you some ideas to get started, but whatever you do with it, Make It Count.

To see an example of an Advice explanations table, please click here.


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