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How to impress someone easily [VIDEO]

Something really cool happened the other day.  

I love a good story.  

I love hearing a good story.  

And I love telling a good story.  

And the reason is, it’s not just about the story itself that I’m so excited about.  

It’s about the fact that when you use stories, people remember things.  

So I was running a workshop last week for a group of financial advisors and accountants.  

And I’d done a similar workshop, but different, about three or four years ago, and one of the girls in the group commented that she still remembers one of the points I made, not because of the point, but because of the story I told to make the point.  

And it was like, wow, that’s really cool.  

Anyway, onto what was really cool that happened.  

So this book, Stories that stick, it’s one of my favorite books on storytelling.  

It’s by a woman called Kindra Hall, who’s over in the States, but I absolutely love it.  

It’s just really, really easy.  

So Kindra has just released a new book, and getting out, doing all the marketing and promotion for the pre-release.  

And I pre ordered because I loved her first look.  

Why wouldn’t I be signing straight up for her second, which I did.  

Anyway, this is the second book.  

But what’s really cool, it’s called Choose your story, change your life.

What’s really cool is that after I’d pre-ordered it, before the book arrived, I get this video, (I’m about to play it for you) in my inbox.  

Now, I probably don’t even need to say much else after you watch.  

It’s only quick, only about 20 seconds. But it’s super cool.  

Okay, so just listen to this: 

“Hi Kim, this is Kindra Hall.  

I wanted to say a really big thank you for pre ordering Choose your story, change your life.  

It means a lot to me to have your early support, and I cannot wait for you to read it.” 

How good was that, right?  

It was to me. 

Now this woman is on a pedestal for me.  

She’s over in America, I get that into my inbox addressed to me, from her, her words.  

Now she’s probably got a billion people that have pre ordered this book.  

So she had to do a lot of personal videos.  

Now maybe there were ten other Kim’s, so ten other Kim’s got the same video, but it doesn’t matter.  

I’m a Kim, I got the video, to me. AMAZING! 

As a result of that one little teeny twenty second video, aside from the fact that I love her and I love her work and I can’t wait to read the book, I’m now sharing this with all of you as well.  

So what a difference it can make when you really let someone know that you’re thinking about them.  

You value them, whatever it might be.  

And it can be as simple as this teeny little thing that Kindra Hall did.  

And by the way, if you end up wanting to tell better stories and use stories for work or life, get her books, they’re amazing. 

Because after all, You are Valuable! 


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